Đặng Thị Ngọc Dự
Consultant / Assessor

Dang Thi Ngoc Du is our consultant working in Ho Chi Minh Office, she also provides audit and advisory services on CSR Laws of Vietnam.
Ngoc Du joins OneStep in 2018, prior to that she had 2 year experiences as a CSR Officer at QMI Group. She has extensive knowledge of human rights, environment, health and safety of Vietnamese local laws. She is an approved auditor for Under Armour (UA), Fair Labor Association (FLA) and others customers.
Professional Qualifications
Ngoc Du has attended several training courses such as Better Work training: Labor Law for Garment Industry, Occupational Safety and Health; TUV Rheinland Training on Risk Management at Workplace and Train a trainer. She graduated Bachelor Degree of Environmental Science at HongBang International University since 2015.